Jim Sikes (right) Passing the baton to Dale Peterson (left).
The East Alabama Civic Chorale, SPRING Concert, 2025
The East Alabama Civic Chorale rehearses on Tuesday evenings 6:30 - 8 PM in the Southside Center for the Arts, 1103 Glenn Street, Opelika, AL. The Chorale is open to all who enjoy singing and have previously sung in any choir. No audition is required. Membership dues are expected for those who join. The Chorale will resume rehearsing on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025, at 6:30.
If you would like information about The Chorale or would like to be placed on the mailing list to receive future notices about the Chorale, please send an email to the director, Dale Peterson: dalepeterson@charter.net
After more than twenty years as conductor of the East Alabama Civic Chorale, Jim Sikes has retired and passed the conductor’s baton to Dale Peterson. According to Peterson, “Retiring is not the correct word to use in this situation. In fact, Jim has graciously accepted the position of Conductor Emeritus of the Civic Chorale.”
The East Alabama Civic Chorale CONCERTS
The Chorale invites you to attend their Spring Concert on April 6, 2025, at 300 pm, at Auburn First Baptist Church. This concert, “Great Hymns of the Church” will include “It Is Well,” “Come, Thou Fount,” “What Wondrous Love,” “All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name,” and many more.
The concert is free, but donations will be accepted: cash and check at the event; credit and debit online, here. (Select the seecond option, “Support the East Alabama Civic Chorale”)